Why $50,000?

Did you know that the Casa Mariposa house was built in the mid-1800s? It is a huge, beautiful, old building. And, as with any old house, it needs some updating. We’ve already upgraded the heating system, fixed the roof, and made other changes. Now, we need to take the next step of additional funds to allow us to take care of the most urgent large projects: additional heating system repairs, updating our kitchen, repairing the back deck, replacing window and shutters at the back of the house and finish work on the alarm system. Additional funds will go a long way towards helping our home evolve and grow along with us. 

Why now?

So many donors have been extremely generous to us over the years, for which we are extremely grateful! Our work wouldn’t have been possible these past years without the outpouring of support from the community. As we look to the next phase of the house and continue to make it a safe home for our residents, we need community support to help us make necessary repairs!

Butterfly Painting, Art by Valentina, Age 12

Butterfly Painting, Art by Valentina, Age 12

Is my donation tax deductible?

YES! Casa Mariposa is a registered 501(c)3 organization! Donations are fully tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.

Will my donation really make a difference?

YES! Any donation, large or small, does make a difference. Casa Mariposa works on a model of everyone doing what they can. Please know that any amount towards accomplishing our goal is an important, valued contribution. Your support helps, inspires, and pushes us forward.

Major Contributors, Grants, & Awards!

We are overjoyed to announce that we have received an INCREDIBLE grant from Cummings Foundation! It is rare to be selected in your first year of application but we are SO grateful for this opportunity. Support from Cummings Foundation pays for a part time Resident Services Coordinator over the next three years to provide much needed support and services to our amazing families.

Please check out the Cummings Foundation! They award at least $30 million each year, and has awarded nearly $480 million in total to date, to a widely diverse group of local greater Boston nonprofits in Middlesex, Essex, and Suffolk counties.

Casa Mariposa has been selected as a Safety Net Grant recipient by the Boston Foundation for a two-year $50,000 general operating support grant. The Boston Foundation is committed to closing the gaps on this region’s greatest disparities.

Through their resources and relationships the Foundation works to open pathways to opportunity and build and sustain vital, prosperous and equitable communities. This grant was awarded through a competitive process and Casa Mariposa is honored to have the Boston Foundation’s support.